
ILPPW 2021 Celebration successfully in Nepal

Center for Public Health and Environmental Development (CEPHED) with the support World Health Organization (WHO), Country Office for Nepal and International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) successfully organized International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (ILPPW) 2021 from October 24 to 30 by organizing series of activities Physically and Virtually in Nepal. 

  1. October 24: ILPPW 2021 Kickoff & Stakeholder Workshop on Effective implementation of Lead Paint Standard in Nepal
  2. October 25- 30 Radio from NRN 99.1 MHz and Thaha Sanchar Network 99.4 MHz and TV programs from Kantipur Television and many print and online media. 
  3. October 27: Co=Organized  Catalyzing the Global Phase-out of Lead Paints- CEPHED,     ECOWASTE, CASACEM & IPEN (online)
  4. October 30:, Organize "Awareness Raising and Capacity Building Program" Celebration ILPPW 2021 in Nepal jointly with  provincial Government MOITFE  and many other organizations (online).
  5. October 30: Closing PRESS RELASE

During the week long program , three important new publications on lead in paints has been released and massively disseminated through all forum and media. There were wide media coverage on these events. 




Released  and massively disseminated the Study Reports during the week are:

(a). National report, Compliance Monitoring of Lead Paint Standard in Nepal, 2021

(b) Study of Lead in Spray Paints 2021

(c) Brief on Lead in Paints and its compliance status

Download all the reports from link below.

Compliance Monitoring of Lead Paint Standard in Nepal Print FIle-NEW FILE

Study of Lead in Spray Paints-Nepal- PRINT File-NEW file

Leaflet-Lead in Paints PRINT file-NEW