Hesperian Foundation
CEPHED and Hesperian Foundation jointly published a translated version of book entitled " A Community Guide to Environmental Health" with the Nepali version "वातावरणीय स्वास्थ्य : सामुदायिक मार्गदर्शन" proved as the bible of the Environment and Public Health related issues. This book comprises of 23 chapters of greater importance from our daily life view point and very comprehensive book to address all most all issues of the Public Health and Environment.
Important features of this book can be explained as it contains issues from water quality to social inequality, from toilet to toxic, from raising crops to rising temperature, how we use natural resources affects our health and well being.
This book is highly illustrative guide that will help health promoters, development workers, educators, activists and community leaders take charge of their communities, environmental health in small village and large cities, A Community Guide, to environmental Health can provides tools, knowledge, and inspirational to being transforming the global crisis in environmental health.
This book contains activities to stimulate critical thinking and environmental change, dozens of stories of communities in action, and instructions for making simple technologies to purify water, clean without toxic, get rid of pests, health care waste management, lead in paints, chemicals safety, pesticides, mercury free health care services and many more. This book is under wide dissemination.