PCB Free Grill and Steel Workshop
CEPHED conducted the awareness and capacity building program throughout the country under the UNDP GEF SGP funded project in different time frame. CEPHED focused on the promotion of dry welding machine as a replacement of PCB containing wet welding machine. For the same, CEPHED handed over the dry welding machine to the Grill Entrepreneur in order to boost of the willingness of grill owner to go for PCB free dry welding machine.
- On the occasion of 10th anniversary of the Central Grill Entrepreneur Association Nepal held at Kathmandu on Baisakh 27, 2068 B. S. Honorable Energy Minister Mr. Gokarna Bista, handed over the dry welding machine to the selected Grill Entrepreneur.
- On the occasion of World Environment, during the first week of June 2013. CEPHED organized a workshop program on PCB, PCB contaminated transformer oil and its impact on public health and environment in Butwal. CEPHED provided a DRY WELDING machine to one of the Grill entrepreneurs named Mr. Chabilal Bhandari, Sidartha Steel and Grill, Devdah-2, Khaireni, Rupandehi in the program to develop as a model metal workshop.
- Another Dry welding Machine was provided to the Mr. Tej Bahadur Bhandari, Bhandari Grill, Lakahanpur-4, Jhapa were given during the PCB Awareness and Capacity building training workshop on September 19, 2013.
- Another Dry welding machine has been given to Mr.Tika Ram Pokhrel, Panas Solar Grill Industry, Pokhara Sub Metropolitan City, Ward No. 17, Kaski were given during the PCB Awareness and Capacity building training workshop on September 24, 2013.
Since then, that workshop has been successfully operating that machine replacing previous PCB contaminated oil based welding machine thus helping in curbing the POPs (Dioxin and Furan) emission. After the completion of the awareness program on PCB in different part of the country, numbers of many other workshops have been replaced their oil based welding machine with the dry (dry, air cooler, gas or battery operated) welding machine. This is the great achievement of this project. With this shift, a great about of PCB and Furan emission has been prevented to be released and hence reduce the potential threat to expose to it.
PCB Free Grill and Steel Workshop in Different Part of Nepal
For PCB Free Grill and Steel Workshops were developed under POPs project (First Phase and Second Phase) Different Part of Nepal. Supported by UNDP, GEFSGP Nepal Programme.