
European Environment Bureau

Created in 1974, the EEB (European Environment Bureau) is Europe's largest federation of environmental organizations with 140+ member organizations who gain their membership from the general public. Because of this, we are guided by the voices of 15 million European citizens, and act as the ears and voice of its members towards the EU decision makers and beyond.

EEB work on a vast array of environmental issues and our policy officers use experts, scientists, our members, and politicians to work towards developing and protecting environmental policies. EEB closely coordinates EU-oriented activities with EEB Members at national level around Europe. EEB also work in coalitions, such as the Green 10 and Spring Alliance,or at a global level through the Global Policies and Sustainability Unit as well as in ad-hoc coalitions with representatives of other interest groups when appropriate. (More Details about EEB at website link).

CEPHED joined this network as a partner organizations and participated in Bio-monitoring of Mercury in Female with child bearing age frequently eating fish in Nepal in the year 2013. According this the research finding among 20 female participated from Nepal, mercury contamination were detected in all female participated and ranges from 0.11 microgram/gram to 1 microgram/gram. That is mercury contamination among them are increasing in Nepal ( ZMWG/EEB 2013, Assessing hair mercury level of women of child bearing age in 9 countries: A Civil Society Pilot Project Report).