
Department of Health Services

Department of Health Services (DOHS) and CEPHED are closely working in awareness raising, policy level document production and research program from very beginning of the establishment of CEPHED.

CEPHED provided a technical support to DOHS during the preparation of Health Care Waste Management Policy and Health Care Waste Management Guidelines which is under progress. The draft document is already being finalized and is going to be published somewhere by2015.

On 26th-27thMay 2014, CEPHED organized a National Conference on MERCURY FREE DENTISTRY,Regulatory Framework, Phase out Plan and Inclusion of Mercury Alternatives in Curriculum with support from Department of Health Services.

On 13th-14thJan, 2011, CEPHED organized a National workshop on Health Care Waste Management and Mercury Free Health Care was jointly with Department of Health Services (DOHS), Management Division